

The method checks if the calling Jet view contains the view from the parameter.

Parameters: a Jet View.

Returns: boolean.


Use this.getParam() method to get the URL parameters. getParam() lets the API access the URL parameters, including those of the parent view. This can be useful as views and subviews quite often share a common parameter.


  • name - (mandatory, string) the name of the parameter;

  • parent - (optional, boolean) false by default; if false, it looks among those parameters that belong to the view that called the method; if true, it looks for parameters of the parent views.

Returns: the parameter.

For example, the URL is:


id is the parameter of the parent view page.

This is how you can get id from the page view:

//from page.js
const id = this.getParam("id"); //id == 12

And this is how you can get id from some:

//from some.js
const id = this.getParam("id");       //id == ""
const pid = this.getParam("id", true); //id == 12

Check out the demo >>


Use this.getParentView() to get to the parent view.

Parameters: none.

Returns: a Jet view object.

In this example, the child refers to its parent view with this.getParentView() and calls its getSelected() method:

// views/form.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class Child extends JetView{
        return {
            view:"form", elements:[
                { view:"text", name:"name" }
        const item = this.getParentView().getSelected();

For more details, read the "Referencing" section.


Use this.getRoot() to get to the top Webix widget inside a Jet class view.

Parameters: none.

Returns: the top Webix view inside the calling Jet view.

// views/form.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class FormView extends JetView{
        return {
            view:"form", elements:[
                { view:"text", name:"email", required:true, label:"Email" },
                { view:"button", value:"save",
                    click: () => {
                        if (this.getRoot().validate())

For more details on referencing views, read the "Referencing" section.


Use this.getSubView() if you want to get to the methods of a subview. It looks for a subview by its name, which you will have to give to the subview.


  • name (string, optional) is the name of the subview

Returns: a Jet view object.

If you call getSubView() without a parameter, it will return the view that is currently open as the subview of the calling view. In the example below, OtherView will be returned.

If the calling view has several dynamic subviews, you can get to them by calling getSubView() with the name of the subview:

// views/listedit.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class ListEditView extends JetView{
        return {
                { $subview:"list", name:"list" },       //load "views/list"
                { $subview:"form", name:"form" }        //load "views/form"
        const list = this.getSubView("list").getRoot();
        const form = this.getSubView("form").getRoot();

For more details on referencing views, read the "Referencing" section.


This is the extended version of the getSubView() method. It returns the object with the info on the subview. The object contains 2 properties:

  1. subview which has

    1. id - the ID of the top Webix widget inside the subview,

    2. view - the subview itself (this is the return value of getSubView());

  2. parent which is the parent view of the subview.


Use this.on() to attach event handlers.


  • obj (object) is the owner of the event (can be app, webix or a Webix widget),

  • name (string) is the name of the event,

  • code (function) is the event handler.


  • void (if obj is the app) or the id of the event handler.

// views/form.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class FormView extends JetView{
        this.on(, "save:form", function(){

More details on events:


Use the refresh() method to repaint the view and its subviews after some changes in the UI.

Parameters: none.

Returns: a promise.

// views/top.js

this.refresh().then(() => { /* something */ });

When the method is called, the following happens:

  • all subviews are destroyed,

  • the config() of the view is called and the UI is created,

  • init handlers of the view and its subviews are triggered,

  • subviews are recreated.

Check out the demo >>


Use this.setParam() method to set the URL related data. You can use setParam() to change a URL segment or a URL parameter.


  • id - the name of the URL parameter or "",

  • value - the new value for a parameter or a URL segment (page name),

  • url (optional) - if it is set to true, will be called, which in turn will trigger urlChange handlers of all involved views. Otherwise the change of the URL will be silent.

For example, this is how you can change a URL parameter:

this.setParam("mode", "12", true); // some?mode=12

Check out the demo >>

This method is used for in-app navigation. It loads view modules according to the path specified as a parameter.


  • path (string, object) - the path with one or several modules with URL parameters or just URL parameters as an object,

  • config (object) - the configuration with the target parameter.

Returns: a promise.

// views/toolbar.js
import { JetView } from "webix-jet";
export default class ToolbarView extends JetView{
		return {
			view: "toolbar",
			elements: [
					view: "button", value: "Details",
					click: () =>"details")

Passing URL Parameters

You can use the show() method to pass URL parameters. You can do this by passing an object with the parameter:

// views/toolbar.js
const param = "42";{ param });
// /#!/toolbar?param=42

Additional Actions

show() returns a promise. This is useful, when you plan to do something after a subview is rendered.

// views/toolbar.js"details").then(() => {
    /* do something */

Optional target Parameter

A view can have named subviews, which is necessary when a view has several dynamic subviews. To render a module inside the named dynamic subview, call with the second parameter -- the name of the subview.

// views/big.js
        { $subview:true },
        { $subview:true, name:"right" },
..."small", { target:"right" });

"small" is the name of a subview that will be placed in the right column of the big view.

The above code works the same as this:


getSubView() returns a subview by the name passed as a parameter.

Showing a Subview in a New Window

You can use the target parameter to show a view in a popup or a window:"popup", { target:"_top" });

For more details on view navigation, read the "Navigation" article.


Use getUrl() to get the URL as an array of segments, each one is an object with three properties:

  • page (the name of the segment as string)

  • params (an object with URL parameters)

  • index (the number of the segment starting from 1)

// views/some.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
export default class SomeView extends JetView{
        return {
            view:"button", value:"Show URL", click: () => {
                const url = this.getUrl();
				//	[{ page:"some", params:{}, index:1 }]

If you call this method from a dynamic subview (as opposed to the top view and a static subview), the method will return only the segments starting from this subview segment.

//	views/top.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
export default class SomeView extends JetView{
        return {
				{ template:"Yop view" },
				{ $subview:true }
		//	"Show Url" will return
		//	[{ page:"some", params:{}, index:1 }]


Use this method to return the URL as a string:

// views/some.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class SomeView extends JetView{
        return {
            view:"button", value:"Show URL", click: () => {
                const url = this.getUrlString();
				// "/some"

If you call this method from a dynamic subview (as opposed to the top view and a static subview), the method will return only the part of URL starting from this subview segment.

//	views/top.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
export default class SomeView extends JetView{
        return {
				{ template:"Yop view" },
				{ $subview:true }
		//	"Show Url" will return "/some"


this.ui() call is equivalent to webix.ui(). It creates a new instance of the view passed to it as a parameter. It is advised to use this.ui() with Jet applications instead of webix.ui(), because components created this way are destroyed together with the related Jet view, which prevents memory leaks.

this.ui() for Windows and Popups

This is a simple example of a Jet class with a window. The class has a method that can be used by any other class view to show the window.

import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
export default class WindowView extends JetView {
        return {
            view:"window", body:{
                template:"Jet popup"

This is how this window is created abd shown:

import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
import WindowView from "views/windows/window";
export default class TopView extends JetView {
        return {
            view:"button", width:200, value:"Popup",
            click:() => this._jetPopup.showWindow()
        this._jetPopup = this.ui(WindowView);

Note again that there is no need to destroy the window manually.

For more details about popups and windows, go to the "Popups and Windows" section.

In the example above, a Jet view was passed to this.ui(), so the return value of this.ui() was also a Jet view.

this.ui() with a Webix widget config

You can also pass Webix widgets or Jet views wrapped inside a Webix layout to the method. this.ui() in this case will return a Webix UI object:

// views/top.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class TopView extends JetView {
	// ...
	init(){ = this.ui({ template:"test" });

this.ui() can also return a Webix UI object with Jet views inside:

// views/sub.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class SubView extends JetView {
        return { template:"test" };

// views/top.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
import SubView from "views/sub";

export default class TopView extends JetView {
    init(){ = this.ui({

Optional container Parameter

this.ui() has an optional parameter - container. If you provide it, the view will be rendered inside the container:

const SubView = {

class TopView extends JetView {
        return {};
    init(){ = this.ui(SubView, { container:"here" });

where "here" is the ID of a div element on the page. container can be an ID or an HTML element, e.g.: = this.ui(SubView,{ container: document.getElementById("here") });


The method launches a plugin. For example, this is how the Status plugin can be added:

// views/data.js
    this.use(plugins.Status, {
        target: "app:status",
        expire: 5000

For more details on plugins, check out the "Plugins" section.


Use this.$$() to look for Webix widgets by their IDs inside the current Jet view [1].

// views/toolbar.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";

export default class ToolbarView extends JetView {
    config() {
            view: "segmented",
            localId: "control",
            options: ["details", "dash"],
            click: function() {
                this.$"/demo/" + this.getValue());
    init(ui, url) {
        if (url.length > 1)

For details, read the "Referencing" section.



Starting with Webix Jet 1.5. If you want to look for widgets in the current view and all its subviews, use this.getRoot().queryView().

Last updated