Big App Development
Modules and Large App Development
If you develop a large app, it has sense to split it into multiple modules, which can be developed and tested separately and combined into a single app on the last step of development.
Starting with Webix Jet 3.0, the toolchain has been migrated to Vite, and it is now possible to build apps as modules using Vite (read about building with Webpack here). If you have an existing project that uses Webpack and you wish to migrate to Vite, follow these steps:
provide vite.config.js
set env variables via the .env file
update your JetApp entry file according to this structure - myapp.js
update the scripts section in package.json (set the vite build command in particular)
For new projects, please refer to the corresponding jet-start branch.
CLI commands:
yarn build
or npm run build
builds a standalone module, which is stored in dist/assets/ (a JS and a CSS file); the module doesn't include webix-jet by default
If you want to include webix-jet in your app, you need to exclude webix-jet from external dependencies in rollupOptions of your vite.config.js file. You can also define a separate config for such builds.
When the module is built, you can copy it to a subfolder of some other app, e.g. sources/modules/.
Building a bundle with no dependencies
If you want to use the module as a part of another Webix Jet app:
use yarn build or npm run build
import the JS and CSS files of your module from the subfolder you have put them into and initialize the app:
Be sure to use webix-jet 3.0+
Modules are much more lightweight than bundles with dependencies. So if you plan to create a lot of app modules, compile them this way.
Building a bundle with dependencies
modify the vite.config.js file to exclude webix-jet as an external dependency (or define a separate config for such builds)
use yarn build or npm run build
include the JS and CSS files of your module from the subfolder you have put them into:
Instead of document.body
you can use the ID of the target HTML container.
Standalone bundles include all dependencies (except webix.js), so they are more stable. However, the size of a bundle is much bigger than the size of a module.
Using Jet App as a Widget
If you want to nest an app module into Webix layout, you should create a custom widget based on webix.ui.jetapp and wrap the app into it.
Make sure the app config includes the EmptyRouter.
Now you can run yarn build
or npm run build
(with the correct config) to get a standalone bundle. Then you can copy the bundle to any subfolder of your app and use it:
This JetApp works as a widget and can be combined and sized like any other Webix UI widget.
Last updated