Creating Complex Widgets

To create simple and medium-sized widgets that enclose some third party library components or a few Webix widgets, you can use webix.protoUI(). Custom widgets must be based on webix.ui.view, while custom layouts must be based on webix.ui.layout and have the layout configuration defined in the $init method.

For complex cases, when you want to create a widget with multiple layouts, dynamic views, complex data, etc., it is better to use Webix Jet.

How to Create

Create a Jet app and convert it into a new widget with webix.protoUI() with webix.ui.jetapp as the base:

// sources/newwidget.js
import {JetApp} from "webix-jet";
export default class NewWidgetApp extends JetApp {
        const defaults = {
            id		: APPNAME,
            version	: VERSION,
			debug	: !PRODUCTION,
			router	: EmptyRouter,
            start	: "/top/start"
        super({ ...defaults, ...config });

// this!
    webix.ready(() => new MyApp().render() );

    app: NewWidgetApp
}, webix.ui.jetapp);

Later this widget can be used like an ordinary Webix widget (included on a page, in Webix layout, resized, etc.):

        { view:"toolbar", elements:[...] },
            cols:[ { menu }, { view:"new-widget" } ]

Very Important

If you plan to use Jet app as a widget, keep in mind a few things:

1. Do not use any hard-coded "id" values.

This will prevent initializing more than one instance of the widget, because the IDs will be no longer unique. Instead, use localId and locate widgets inside the view with this.$$().

2. Use services instead of models for data loading.

Models are shared between all instances of a widget, so a change in the data of one instance of the widget will reflect in all other instances. A common use-case will be to have all instances with separate states and unique data models.

Instead of importing a model as usual:

import {data} from "models/records";

modify the model in such a way, that a new DataCollection should be created for every instance:

// models/records.js
export function records(){
    const data = new webix.DataCollection({
    return { data };

Then import the model and set a service that will create a new DataCollection when necessary:

// app.js
import {JetApp} from "webix-jet";
import {records} from "models/records";

export default class MyApp extends JetApp {
        this.setService("records", records());

Later any view inside the widget can get a new copy of data model with the help of the service:

// views/myview.js
import {JetView} from "webix-jet";
export default class MyView extends JetView {
    init(){ ="records").data;

Last updated